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Parks & Recreation Waste Containment
The Parks and Recreation Units places 95% of the containment well underground. Only the steel tower is visible above ground. This unit was designed to be placed in Parks and Recreational places, for public use, and have no moving parts, be hygienic (don’t have to touch a lid to open) to reduce bacteria transfer and also weather resistant. These units are serviced by vertical lift.
The precast concrete mass resists hydro static pressure, eliminating floating out of the ground. The contents remain cooler beneath the earth’s surface, out of the direct sunlight, reducing odor and will not leak into the surrounding soils.
Built to withstand the elements, be safe, secure, fire resistant and user friendly.
Utilizing a Steel Lid, Concrete Containment Well and Reusable PVC Bag
Available in 3 Sizes To Suit Your Specific Needs
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